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My last two emails about “what you should focus on if you’re a beginner” were a big hit. 

So I want to expand on this for you…

And show you what your #1 goal should be if you’re just starting out… 

So first things first, as I’ve said already (multiple times) if you’re new you need to focus on ONE thing.

That one thing could be email copy…

It could be sales pages…

It could be Facebook ads…

Whatever it is, you need to focus on ONE thing until you’re good at it.

Now once you start doing that…

There’s something else I want you to think about…

And I’ll say, this is the most important thing you can learn as a newbie.

And that’s learning “what works and what doesn’t work”.

This is where the gold is.

Let me give ya an example that will explain what I mean…

One of the guys I mentored back in 2017-2018 (Tanner) took a gig early on writing emails for Natural Health Sherpa.

Sherpa has a huge email list…

And makes close to 8 figures of profit off their email list in a year. 

So Tanner’s job was to write email creatives every single day for the offers they were sending to the list. 

Which meant, he was writing 4+ email creatives every single day.

He was also testing subject lines on these emails.

And then analyzing all the results.

So he would know which creative made the most money…

And which subject line got the best open rate.

Why is this important?

Because Tanner quickly learned what worked and what didn’t work.

It wasn’t just theory.

He had real sales data showing him that when he used a story based email for a thyroid offer it did really well.

Or when he used words like “hormonal weight gain” in the subject line, the open rates were huge.

This is the kind of thing you can only learn through experience. 

You can’t learn it reading about copy…

Or in a Facebook group.

You can only learn it by getting experience.

So, I want to make this very clear…

In my opinion learning what works and what doesn’t work is the MOST important thing for beginners.

It’s even more important than what you’re getting paid.

Cause once you know what works and what doesnt work, your options are endless.

You can start your own offer…

You can freelance and make a bunch of money doing that…

You have the power to do what you want.

And that’s a nice spot to be in.

Point being…

If you’re just getting your feet wet, focus on landing gigs where you can quickly learn what works and what doesn’t work.

If you can write multiple emails a day and see the results…

Or if you can write a bunch of Facebook ads each day and see the data…

This is what you want.

It’s the quickest way to learn.

And to get a set of skills that will make you money for years to come.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.