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Since December is a slow month in the direct response world, I decided to take it easy this month and spend most of my time planning for 2024.

So I’m not selling anything…

Or promoting anything…

I have my “surf & copy” retreat next week in Sayulita, Mexico with Dan Ferrari…

But other than that…

December is a planning month for me.

So my main focus right now is planning how I want next year to look…

And when I do that, I try to plan stuff so that it all fits within the bounds of what I want.

Case in point…

Next year I’m going to launch some type of low-ticket continuity offer.

It’ll probably be in the $99-$199 a month range.

There’s obviously a hundred different things I could do with this…

I could do weekly calls…

I could do a newsletter…

I could do a new workshop each month…

I could do email templates…

There’s a long list of things I could create…

But I’m really focused on making sure whatever I create is something that fits very specific parameters I have, such as…

– It has to be a topic I’m excited about

– It has to have a real impact on the people who buy it

– It has to be something that won’t take up more than 15 hours of my time each month

– It has to be something that makes me $20k a month minimum (preferably $30k+)

– It has to be something that doesn’t have a bunch of headaches attached to it (i.e. a customer service nightmare)

– It has to be something I’m going to enjoy doing for the next 12 months (if not longer)

These are all things that are important to me.

So when I’m brainstorming ideas for what I’m going to create…

I’m making sure it checks all these boxes.


Cause I want my business to be enjoyable.

There’s nothing worse than launching something and having it make you a bunch of money, only to realize you hate the business.

I’ve been there.

And that’s not a fun place to be.

I’d rather do something I actually enjoy…

And that I look forward to…

And that compliments my life (instead of dictating it).

Make no mistake, this is possible…

But it takes a lot more planning…

And you have to be clear about what you want (and what you don’t want).  


If you’re planning stuff out for 2024…

I highly recommend giving this some thought.

Get clear on what you want…

And what you don’t want…

And make sure whatever you’re planning compliments the lifestyle you want to have. 

If you do that, your 2024 will be a lot more enjoyable.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.