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After suffering from Crohn’s disease since I was 16, I’ve learned a lot about what motivates people to take action just by watching my own behavior.

For example…

I’ve gone through periods where my Crohn’s was so bad that anything I ate messed up my stomach.

Literally, anything.

Boiled chicken…

Homemade broth…

Even carrots that had been roasted in a CrockPot for hours.

They all messed me up.

When this last happened in 2016, I was running to the bathroom 7-8 times a day.

I lost 17 lbs in the span of two months.

I had to cancel plans with friends at the last minute cause I was afraid to leave my house.

Eventually I had to go on an “elemental diet” that was basically water, olive oil and amino acids that I ate 10+ times a day. 

It was miserable.

I was physically exhausted.

I didn’t want to do anything…

And the more I sat in my house alone, the more I craved social interaction.

It’s was like a tug-of-war that I couldn’t win.

Not fun to say the least. 

But as much as these episodes have been a nightmare for me, I’ve also learned a LOT about how PAIN motivates people to act.

And when I say pain, that can be physical pain, or it can be emotional pain.  

Either way pain causes people to act…

Like when I go through a Crohn’s flare.

All I want is for the flare to STOP.

And for me to have a “normal stomach” again.

I don’t care if I have to eat boiled chicken and broth.

I don’t care that I can’t have my favorite foods.

I just want it to stop.

I want to “get out” of my current situation more than I want to gain anything.

And that’s very instructive…

Cause most people would try to sell someone like me on how I could eat all my favorite foods again…

Or how I could feel better and have more energy.

But I don’t really want any of that.

I just want the nightmare to end.

I want the pain to go away.

That’s what I want more than anything.

That’s a minor difference in how you look at the situation…

But it’s one that has a HUGE impact.

And whether it’s me with my Crohn’s disease…

Or some guy that’s in a job he hates…

Most people want to put an end to their pain more than they want whatever the salvation is on the otherside.

That’s their focus.

And as a marketer that’s where you have to meet them.

In their pain.

Cuse that’s what they feel right now.

And that’s what they’ll relate with…

Make sense?

Hope so. 

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Take care,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.