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A question came in yesterday from an anxious copywriter who wants to know how he can set himself apart from other writers that are trying to take his job…


Big G, been on your list for 2+ years now and your emails are the only ones I make sure to read each day, so keep em comin.

I have a question I’d love to get your insight on.

Right now I write emails for a big name in the “manosphere”.  Think Andrew Tate but nicer and less controversial.

This guy has been my client for over a year, and he seems happy with my work.  But I’m always nervous because he gets like 10 emails a day from copywriters who are trying to take my job.

Any advice on how I can set myself apart from the constant flood of copywriters that are in his inbox each day?


Great question.

In my experience there’s two types of copywriters in this world.

The first is one who simply does what they’re told.  They write the email.  They write the landing page.  They also usually turn stuff in on time, and they’re easy to work with, so they stay employed.  But they’re not bringing any new ideas to the table. They’re basically the copywriting version of an order taker. 

The second kind of copywriter is one who not only writes the stuff they’re asked to write, but they also see it as their responsibility to help the client increase conversions and make more sales. This copywriter is NOT an “order taker”.  They’re more of “intrapreneur”.  And they put more of the responsibility on their own shoulders to come up with new ideas, new promos and find new ways to make the client money.

I can tell ya from experience, the first type of copywriter is a dime a dozen.

You can find copywriters like that anywhere.

But the second kind of copywriter is a lot more valuable, thus a lot harder to find.

And here’s the thing…

If you do find one of the second type (the intrapreneur, go-getter type) you hold onto them at all costs.


Cause they will make everything in your life easier…

And your business will be a lot more profitable.


A copywriter like this will always be testing stuff…

And constantly bringing you new promo ideas…

And as a result of that…

You won’t have wandering eyes for other copywriters.


Cause you already got a “10” with you. 

No need to flirt with a bunch of 6’s when you have a 10 who treats you well. 

So if I was a copywriter writing for clients…

This would be my M.O. 

I’d make sure I’m the guy who’s constantly bringing new ideas to my client that will make them more money. 

Which coincidentally ties in very nicely with what I was telling you about yesterday.

The 1-Day Cash Machine.

If you’re a copywriter, and you write for a client that sells information (courses, ebooks, coaching, live events, masterminds etc)…

You should be running 1-Day Cash Machines to their email list. 


Because in the last 12 months, the 1-Day Cash Machine has been by far the most profitable offer I’ve run to my list. 

Nothing else comes close.

And the best part is, it’s super easy to run.

You don’t need a 30-page sales letter…

Or a complicated funnel…

Just a checkout page and a Zoom call.

That’s it.

I’ve run two 1-Day Cash Machines in the last few months and the first one made me a little over $54k…

And the second one made me around $89k…

So as you can see, this thing works like crazy.

And you can easily replicate it in niches like health, fitness, investing, biz-op, personal development, dating & relationships, golf, guitar, anti-aging, business building and more…

It will work in every niche…

So if you’re interested in running something like this for a client (or for yourself) then pay attention.

Cause next Wednesday, I’m going to host a special training where I show you exactly how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine to a list.

I’ll show you the ins-and-outs of how to do it including…

– how to come up with a “sexy” topic for your call that people will easily GIVE you money for (I’ll show you a bunch of examples of proven topics, and also give you a fill-in-the-blank template for creating your own “sexy” topic for your niche)

– how to price your training for your specific niche (this will vary based on your niche, so I’ll show you exactly how to price your training based on the niche you’re in)

– exactly what to say in the emails you send to your list to promote the call (I’ll give you an entire swipe file of the emails I’ve used when doing a 1-Day Cash Machine and I’ll also show you the 4 most proven email angles to use to make maximum sales)

So that’s what you’ll learn in the training…

As I said, this will be right up your alley if you write emails for any kind of coach, expert, consultant, influencer or list owner…

All you need is an email list…

And a topic to teach to them…

And you’ll be on your way to making a lot of dough with the 1-Day Cash Machine.

So that’s what the training is all about.

Now as for the details…

Like I said, it will take place next Wednesday, May 24th at noon ET on Zoom.

Plan on it lasting about two hours with the Q&A…

If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away for any reason, you will get all the recordings from the training so you can watch it whenever you’d like.

Now as for the price…

I’ve done other trainings and workshops in the past that have ranged from $1500 all the way up to $25,000.

However this training won’t be that expensive. 

I think the 1-Day Cash Machine will be a game-changer for a lot of people, so I’m making this as affordable as possible. 

So instead of charging $1500 or more…

The price is just $197.

So for $197, I’ll walk you through exactly how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine. 

That way you’ll be able to impress your client, and make them a lot of dough that they weren’t expecting…

Again, the training will take place on Wednesday, May 24th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

It will be recorded.

So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings sent to you the day after the training. 

That’s the deal…

If you want to be a part of this training…

I suggest grabbing a spot today.

I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this.

So just head over to the checkout and get signed up if you want to be a part of it.

You can secure your spot right here.

Hope to see ya on the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.