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If you let perfectionism get to you, it can make your life miserable.

For example…

Yesterday morning I woke up and had no interest in writing my daily email.


Cause I was tired…

And kinda grumpy…

Frankly I just wanted to lay on the couch and do nothing.

So that’s what I did.

But as the day went on, I noticed I felt guilty about this.

A part of me felt like I was letting you down.

And that by not writing the email, I was somehow not fulfilling my end of the bargain.

Which sounds completely insane…

After all, it’s my email list and I can do whatever I want with it.

But that’s the way I felt.

So as the day went on, the email was still lingering in the back of my mind. 

“I could still write an afternoon email” I thought to myself.

Maybe around 3 o’clock…

Eventually I decided to put an end to this back and forth.

And just enjoy my day off.

So I made a clean decision…

“I’m not writing an email today”

And once I made that decision…

It was like a huge sense of relief.

And I didn’t think about the email again.


There’s a good reason I’m sharing this story with you.

And it has very little to do with my emails…

And a lot to do with perfectionism.

Perfectionism will take over your life if you allow it.

It’ll make you feel small…

It’ll overwhelm you with guilt…

And it will make you feel like you’re not good at what you do. 


Because there’s no way to live up to it.

it’s impossible to be perfect.

Take my emails for example…

I wrote 6 emails to you last week…

Each one of those took me about 40 minutes to write and publish.

And even though those emails probably helped you a bunch.

Here I was spending my Sunday worrying about the one day I missed.

That’s what perfectionism does.

It doesn’t allow you to make mistakes…

It doesn’t allow you to be realistic about your success.

Cause it demands perfection.

And if you’re constantly demanding perfection…

You’re gonna get burnt out.

And you’ll feel like you’re at the end of your rope…

Cause what you’re striving for is just not possible.

You have to be ok with messing up…

And having bad days…

That’s part of life.  

So learning to be more realistic…

And being gentler on yourself when you do make mistakes (or have an off day) is key.

That’s what will keep you out of your perfectionism.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.