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Here’s a few of the responses to my email from yesterday where I made a prediction on the election…

“If Trump somehow wins, this country is done, seriously we’re done for good”

“You better hope Trump wins, or your business is f’kd with Biden at the helm”

“Tax increases are gonna kill our businesses under Biden.  Not sure if I even want to be in business in a Biden administration”

These responses came from both Trump supporters and Biden supporters.

And each one was trying to tell me that my business was screwed if the other side won.


As much as I enjoy the drama of an election…

I can tell you this simply isn’t true.

I’ve been making a living online since 2004…

So I’ve made money through multiple presidencies.

When I was starting out, Bush was in office and I hit my first 6-figure year in that time.

When Obama was in office, I created two different multi-million dollar businesses (one of which hit $23 million in sales)

And since Trump has been in office, I’ve built Copy Accelerator into a multi-million dollar business as well.

That’s three different presidencies…

And I’ve thrived in all of them.

I made money when a liberal was in office…

I made money when a conservative was in office…

And that’s why I don’t think it really matters who’s president when it comes to your ability to make money.

If your business is so shaky that a change in president destroys your biz, then you got bigger problems on your hand. 

Cause you have a bad business.

Same can be said for tax increases.

Do I like paying higher taxes?

Hell no.

I pay enough in taxes already.

Part of the reason I moved to Austin was to pay less in taxes.

But is my business gonna crumble if my personal tax rate goes from 37% to 39.6%?


The reality is that when it comes to your business, it’s about what YOU do.

It’s not about who’s the president.

Or whether they’re liberal or conservative…

Whether Biden or Trump wins, I can guarantee you there will be people making a boatload of money next year.

New millionaires will be minted everyday…

Some millionaires will even jump to become decamillionaires…

And that’s going to happen regardless of who the president is. 

So the big question is…

Are you gonna be a part of that?

Are you gonna be part of the group that thrives?

Or are you going to sit on the sideline with an excuse?

Cause whether you make the leap or not is up to you.

It’s not up to anyone else. 

And it’s certainly not up to the president.

So whether Trump wins…

Or Biden wins…

You still get to control how successful you are.

And that should be very comforting.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin

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