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Over the last year, I’ve probably had ten different conversations with successful copywriters who felt like they had hit a “ceiling” on their income.

One guy was making around $140k a year…

Another was consistenely making $260k a year…

And a few were even in the $320k-$350k range…

So these guys were all doing well…


They had all hit a point where it became incredibly hard to make more money.


Because they were already working 10 hours a day, so they didn’t have time to take on more clients…

And most of them were already charging in the $12k-$25k range , so upping their fees was not gonna make them a lot more money…

So even though they were all making good money…

They all felt stuck.

They felt like adding another $100k or another $200k to their income was impossible.

So here’s what I did to help them…

For the guys in the group who had ambitions of starting their own offer, I told them to simply do that.

No argument from me there…

But for the other guys…

Specifically the guys who really liked writing…

And who had no interest in building a business with a bunch of employees to manage…

I told them to start taking on projects where there was unlimited upside for them if they made their client a bunch of money. 

So if they made a client $500k in profit…

They should be getting $100k or $150k of that.

Not a flat fee of $15k. 

This is the key to significantly increasing your income as a copywriter or marketer…

You can’t be doing monthly retainers or getting paid per project…

You have to have unlimited upside to your income.

Now, maybe this resonates with you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I suggest you join me on a free call I’m hosting this Thursday with my friends Ron Lynch, Jordan Hall and Marcus Anderson.

On that call, we’re gonna share with you a new way for copywriters to make big money “digging up” the hidden money in OTHER people’s email lists.

I call this being an an “email excavator”.

And as an email excavator, you basically “unearth” the money in other people’s email lists, and then you get a cut of whatever you find. 

Jordan, Marcus and Ron have been doing this for over a year now and have pulled in paydays as big as $40k, $130k and even $390k.

So there’s a lot of dough to be made doing this…

And the best part is that it gives you unlimited upside.

You’re NOT getting paid a flat fee for this…

So if you make someone $500k…

You can take home a nice, fat payday of $150k or more from your work.

So if that piques your interest…

I suggest you sign-up for the free call I’m hosting with these guys this Thursday at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.

You can sign-up and save your spot right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.