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A few years ago when I started mentoring Alec (one of my first copy cubs), he had a terrible bout of procrastination that nearly got him fired.


In a normal day, he’d sit down at his desk…

He’d get all prepared to write…

But instead of actually doing his work…

He’d just procrastinate.


Cause his head was filled with thoughts like…

“I’m not actually good at this”

“If I don’t turn it in, they won’t know how bad my copy is”

“If every line isn’t perfect, they’ll fire me”

That’s what raced through his mind everyday.

And as a result…

He struggled to write.

In fact he struggled so much…

At one point, he was waiting until Saturday night to write all of his email copy that was due on Sunday morning!

Which was a ton of pressure…

And he felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders…

Obviously this isn’t what Alec wanted…

He wanted to be able to knockout his writing during the week…

And actually relax on the weekends.

So what did he do to fix this?


In 2020 Alec started working with my coach, Brent Charleton.

And one of the first things Brent did was help Alec with his procrastination.

So they dug into WHY he was procrastinating…

And discovered most of his procrastination stemmed from him…

– wanting to be liked by everyone

– and feeling like he couldn’t make a mistake

That’s where the triggering came from.

It really wasn’t about writing…

It was all about the expectations his mom put on him in his childhood. 

That was the root cause.

So when Alec and Brent got to the root cause…

And they did some “corrections” around it…

Alec’s procrastination started to fade away.

And instead of torturing himself and waiting til the last minute to write…

He was able to write each day…

And get his work done on time. 

Which not only was a big weight off his shoulders, but a huge boost to his income as well. 

Cause if you look at Alec now…

He’s crushing it as a copywriter.

He writes copy for Miami MD…

Nerve Renew…

And he regularly pulls in over $25k a month. 

So it’s a night and day difference for him.

And really that’s a testament to just how powerful Brent’s correction method is.

With a simple 1-page correction…

That only takes 20-30 minutes…

You can get rid of the “blocks” that are causing you to waste time and procrastinate (just like Alec did). 

Which is pretty sweet.

So if that interests you…

I suggest you take a peek at Brent’s Corrections Course while it’s available.

It’s normally $125,000 a year to work with Brent as a private client…

But through his course…

You can get access to the same info…

And the same method that Alec and I use with him as private clients.

For just $997. 

And you can even pay that on a payment plan to make it easier on your cash flow.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

I can’t recommend this course enough.

If you’re interested in saying sayonara to your procrastination…

Or waving goodbye to your writer’s block…

This will help you to do that.

You can check out course and get all the deets about it right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.