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A question about how I structure my daily schedule came in from a reader named Jillian…


Hi Justin, love your emails!  I know you’ve been working on having more of a lifestyle business since you sold your coaching group, I’d be curious to know what your schedule looks like these days.

What time do you get up?  How much are you working? Thanks!


My schedule is always changing… 

But I’ll give ya a little glimpse into what it currently looks like.

One thing to note – I do not have kids, or a wife, or a rambunctious dog running around…

So take everything I say with a grain of salt.

With that said, here’s what an average day for me looks like…

– Wake up around 8 AM

This is when I naturally wake up.

I’m not setting an alarm.

I just wake up around 7:30 or 8 and I’m ready to start my day. 

– Walk for 35-40 minutes to start the day

Walking first thing in the morning is something I started doing about a month ago. 

I used to work right away, but now-a-days I go for a 35-40 minute walk first thing in the morning.

I usually do this walk without listening to any music or podcasts. 

I like to just let ideas roll around in my head during the walk and see what comes up.

– Work for 60-90 minutes

After walking, I start my main work session for the day.

Writing this email is the first thing I’ll do during the work session. 

After I’m done writing, I try to do at least one thing that will help to build my email list (i.e. posting something on Facebook, reaching out to someone to promote my list etc…)

My big goal in the first work session is to get my most important stuff done. 

Next up is breakfast…

– Eat breakfast, which is mostly protein/fat

After my work session, I usually eat for the first time.  This will be around 1030 or 11.

Lately I’ve been eating a high protein meal that’s usually venison or elk burgers.

I noticed that I feel a lot better when I don’t eat carbs in the morning, so I try to stick with protein/fat for my first meal. 

– Workout around 11 or so

I’ve been hitting the gym 4-5 days a week lately.

I used to do a 3-day workout, but I recently switched over to a 5-day workout that’s more bodybuilding style (and I’m enjoying it)

On Mondays I do chest…

Tuesdays I do back and legs…

Wednesdays I do shoulders…

Thursday I do legs and calves…

Friday I do biceps & triceps…

Doing a bodybuilding split like this is quite foreign to me. 

But it’s been a nice change of pace from the grind-it-out strength building I’ve been doing for the last two years.

– Afternoon calls, create courses

My afternoon has a lot of flexibility to it.

If I’m working on a course, I’ll use this time to put the course together.

If I have meetings, I’ll do those in the afternoon.

Basically 1-4 PM is open for me to do whatever (I also eat lunch during this time).

Some days it’s work…

Some days it’s running errands…

Some days it’s sitting outside by my pool…

It really varies a lot. 

By this time it’s 4 or 5 o’clock, and I move to the next thing…

– Sauna and cold plunge

I’d say 4-5 days a week I hit the sauna and cold plunge at Ocean Lab.

I started doing this back in February…

And I’ve noticed a big difference in how I feel and how it helps my body recover from workouts.  

I usually do 20 minutes in the sauna, then plunge, and I do that for two rounds.

So overall, it takes about an hour, and I feel really good doing it, so it’s hard to stop. 

– Dinner around 6ish

If I’m eating dinner at home, I’ll keep it simple.

It’ll be steak and potatoes…

Or steak and rice…

If I go out with friends for dinner, we’ll usually grab sushi. 

I try to eat around 6 or 630 at the latest, cause I know if I eat later than that it messes with my sleep.

– Meditate

This is a new one for me. 

I’m trying to meditate for 10-15 minutes a day.

I’ve been using some guided Joe Dispenza meditations, and I really like em.

It’s a good way to wind down at the end of the day. 

– Walk or watch TV (or both)

Usually the last thing I do at night is get in my last 35-40 minutes of walking.

I’m trying to hit 10k steps a day, so this is needed to hit that number. 

If it’s cold out, I’ll walk on my treadmill while I watch Mad Men or Entourage, or a podcast.

And if the weather is nice, then I’ll simply walk outside. 

And that basically wraps up my day.

I usually go to bed around 9:45 or 10.

And then I get up and do it all over the next day. 

So there ya go…

That’s a little glimpse into my day.

Like I said, I don’t have kids, a wife or anything else to distract me, so my schedule is probably not attainable for most people. 

My overall goal with my schedule is to simply slow down, and to enjoy things in my life outside of business.

So that’s what this is really about.

Hope this was helpful for ya…

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.