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7 years ago, I nearly punched Ian Stanley in the face.


Allow me to explain…

It was around the end of 2017…

And I had just gotten back from Tony Robbins  “Date With Destiny” event…

So I was riding a “Tony high”…

I felt empowered…


And a zest for life like I had never felt before.


When I started telling Ian about the event and how magical it was…

He wasn’t really listening.

He basically tuned me out…

And after I shared how incredible it was…

He simply said…

“I really think you need to stop wasting your time on this stuff, and just work with Brent”.


I just told this guy about an amazing experience I had…

And how excited I was…

And all he could do was talk about his coach, Brent?

I remember being pissed off…

So much so, that I wanted to punch him in the face (Ian tends to have that effect on people).


As much as he irritated me that day…

Looking back on that moment now…

I can say it was a pivotal moment in my life. 


Cause a few months after Ian and I had that talk…

I became a client of Brent’s. 

And in the six years that I’ve worked with Brent…

His work has had a bigger impact on my life than Tony Robbins…




Ice baths…

And traditional therapy combined.

And that’s no exaggeration.

Because of Brent’s work…

I’m able to…

– make money easier than ever before

– put myself out there

– write without procrastinating

– set boundaries with clients

– charge more than I used to

– be confident in who I am, and not feel like an imposter

All of this is a result of working with Brent.

It’s had a massive impact on my life.

And honestly, it’s hard to put into words how much it’s changed me.

And that leads me to why I’m writing you this email…

Here’s the deal…

Up until last year my coach, Brent Charleton, pretty much only worked with private clients…

And the cost to be a private client is $125k a year…

So it’s insanely expensive to work with him…

And frankly 99% of people can’t afford it.

As a result of this…

I bugged him for years to put his method into a course…

That way he could help more people…

And get his method into more hands…

It took a lot of nudging…

And repeated reminders…

But eventually he sat down…

Filmed everything…

And distilled his method into a single course called the “Corrections Course”. 

And having gone through the course multiple times myself…

I can tell you it’s the exact same method I use with him as a private client.

But you get access to it for a tiny fraction of his $125k a year fee.

Which is pretty sweet.

Now, maybe that interests you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I suggest you take a peek at his course right here.

In the course Brent shows you how to use his 1-page exercise to get rid of the mental blocks holding you back in regards to…

– making more money

– starting your own business

– writer’s block

– feeling like an imposter

– and more…

I really can’t recommend this course enough.

I spent over $280k to be a client of Brent’s over the years. 

And it’s been worth every penny.

I’m a different person today than I was pre-Brent.

So on a personal level, I really hope you pick-up his course and use it.

Cause it’s the only thing I’ve found to permanently get rid of the mental blocks that hold you back.

So if you struggle with things like…

– not having enough money

– procrastinating with your writing

– the fear of starting a business

– or feeling like an imposter…

Then the Corrections Course will help you identify the “root cause” of why you feel that way…

And it’ll help you remove those blocks…

So that you can get the life that you want. 

It’s like five years of therapy in a simple 20-minute exercise. 

So if this appeals to you…

I suggest you check out the Corrections Course and see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

P.S. – this is the last email I’m gonna be sending about the Corrections Course…

So if you want to get your hands on it.

Now is the time to do it.

You can see what it’s all about and snag a copy for yourself right here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.