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One of the best things you can do for your business (and your life) is to get rid of people that cause friction.

Case in point…

I have a rule of thumb that if you email me and I sense any kind of attacking or trolling going on, I simply remove you from my list.

I don’t argue back and forth…

Or try to explain things…

I simply remove that person from my list.


Cause I don’t like people who cause friction.

Same thing goes for my personal life…

I had this happen with a girl I briefly dated last summer.

We’ll call her “Kendall”.

Kendall had a lot of qualities that I liked…

She was attractive…

Was into yoga…

Had a lot of feminine energy…

All things I like.

But on the otherhand Kendall also liked drama.

And if there wasn’t any drama going on in her life, she’d take the littlest thing she could find and turn that into drama.

That was a dealbreaker for me.

And I quickly ended things with her when I realized that.

I even have similar rules around friction with my own mother.


Cause she’s exhausting to be around. 


I used to think it was just me who noticed it…

But my brother-in-law recently called me and said he was ready to ban my mom from his house cause she was such a pain-in-the-ass the last time she was there.

Which is funny, but also not surprising. 

So in order to keep the friction to a minimum with her, I simply limit my time with her.

So instead of spending a week with my parents over Christmas, I’ll simply pop in for a day…

Or I’ll meet them out for dinner…

That way I can still see them…

But I can manage the amount of “friction” that happens.

So as you can see…

I like to keep my life relatively simple and friction free.

And if anyone is causing friction…

Or keeping me up at night…

Then they gotta go.

I’m not interested in having more drama and more friction in my life.

And I’d urge you to think the same way.

Life is too short to deal with other people’s crap.

And there’s certain people that are just wired to create friction.

You don’t need those people in your life.

So I suggest avoiding them…

And cutting them out.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.