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Isn’t Kevin your competition?  I’m surprised you’re here

That’s what my buddy said to me yesterday when I walked into Kevin Rogers’ Copy Chief Live event.

Basically his thought was that since Kevin and I both teach copywriting, that we had to be competitors.

Which is probably what most people would think.

But I have a different view on “competition” than most.

Cause I don’t view it as an “either/or” situation.

Just because someone join’s Kevin’s coaching program, doesn’t mean they won’t join my program.

In fact, the BEST customers join multiple programs.

So they’ll be in Kevin’s program…

And they’ll be in my program…

And they’ll buy stuff from Ian Stanley as well.

This happens in every industry.

The best buyers tend to buy from everyone.

I even do this myself.

I’m what you’d call a “good mastermind buyer”.

I’m in the Titans Mastermind.

I’m in Mike Geary’s mastermind.

And I also spend like $45k a year to work with my coach, Brent Charleton.

That’s like $80k that I spend every year on masterminds/coaching.

So if you’re selling a mastermind, I’m a good target for that. 

The same way that a guy who owns 12 watches is a good target if you’re selling a Rolex. 

So to get back to the original question…

No, I don’t see Kevin as my competition.

And that’s not coming from a frame of “my stuff is better than his so he’s not my competition”.

I simply believe that if someone goes to one of Kevin’s events…

Or if they sign up for his coaching…

That person just became an even better fit for my Copy Accelerator program.

Cause they showed they’re a serious buyer.

And serious buyers don’t just buy one thing.

They buy from multiple people.

That’s how I look at it.

That’s a simple lesson…

But it’s one that can make you a lot of dough if you truly grasp it.

That’s all I got for today.

I’m off to hit a workout at the gym here in the hotel.

And then heading down to the event in a bit.

Take care,

– Justin

P.S. – Here’s a pic from a little dinner I put together last night.

We had Lori Haller, Mike Schauer, Ning Li, Chris Evans, Darren Hanser, Sam Woods, Joey Percia, Mike Abramov,  Me, David Deutsch and Austin Lee at the table

It was a feast of epic proportions. 

And a lot of good conversations. 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.