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One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the last year is that in order to maximize your income, you have to get comfortable saying “no” to good opportunities. 

For example…

Last week we had a little “wrap party” at my house for our Copy Accelerator members who were in town for our event.

And during the party, a few of the people noticed the guesthouse I have behind my house.

So I kept getting asked…

“Do you rent that out?”

Well the short answer to that question is “no”.

But it’s something I’ve thought about a LOT.


Because I could easily make an extra $2k a month renting my guesthouse out.

Which would pay half my mortgage. 

That would be nice.

But here’s the thing…

Even if I hired someone to manage the guest house…

I know that the $2k a month would NOT be worth all the little inconveinences it would cause.

Things would break and need fixed…

Guests would basically be in my backyard, and I’d feel awkward laying out by my pool.

Someone would lose a key, and I’d have to run and make them a new one at 8 o’clock at night…

I know there’s a bunch of little “friction points” like this that would pop up.

And it would drive me nuts.

The reality is that it would probably COST me money to rent the guest house out.

Cause it would pull my focus away from my main money makers (Copy Accelerator and my print newsletter).

So in the end…

The extra $2000 a month is just not worth it.

I’d be better off focusing on putting another member into our mastermind…

Or getting a few more people signed up for my print newsletter.

Point being…

Once you have a good base income…

And you have lots of opportunities coming your way…

You have to be comfortable with saying “NO” to a lot of good opportunities. 

This is a real skill.

And this is especially tough if you grew up without a lot of money like I did.

The idea of passing on what is essentially a free $2000 a month seems insane to me. 

But it’s the smart move to pass on it.

Cause in the end, it would only add more friction to my life…

And it would takeaway my focus from the real money-makers in my business.

So there ya go…

A little wisdom for ya on a Saturday morning.

I’m heading to the park to enjoy some sun and to get a walk in.

Enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.