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When I first started my email list in 2018, it would take me over an hour to write my email each morning.

Basically I’d sit down at my laptop around 8 AM…

And I’d write whatever came to me.

Sometimes it was good…

But most of the time it wasn’t. 

So after writing 2 or 3 paragraphs, I’d usually hate what I wrote, and I’d just delete it all.

This became a daily dance for me.

Sort of a “morning ritual” if you will…

It got to the point where I started to dread waking up in the morning and sitting down at my computer.

Cause I knew it was gonna be a struggle.

And I knew I was gonna waste precious time that I didn’t have. 

So it was not a great situation…


After about a year of this morning torture, I had a bit of an “epiphany”. 

I was going through a bunch of the BEST emails that I had written, and something stood out to me.

Nearly all of my best emails followed a similar structure.

Literally, almost all of them.

It dawned on me that they weren’t some byproduct of creative genius…

Or me being inspired with a great idea…

All my best emails simply followed a proven template that I had used many times before. 

That was a lightbulb moment for me.

Cause it made me realize I didn’t have to struggle so much with what I was going to write about.

I could just follow the template.

And once I started doing that…

I was able to cut my writing time from over an hour a day to just 30-35 minutes.

Which was a big deal.

Writing emails immediately got easier for me…

And I wasn’t always stressing myself out wondering “what am I gonna write about”. 

I didn’t have to worry about any of that.

I just followed the template that I knew was working.

And that brings me to the reason I’m writing you this email today…

Having a PROVEN template when you’re writing email copy is one of the biggest cheat-codes out there.

It cuts down on your writing time…

And it makes it easy to know “what to write”.

With all those benefits, I’d say you’d be dumb not to use one. 

But here’s the thing…

There’s a lot of email templates out there.

Some of them are good…

Others are not…

But one that I know is GREAT (because it’s been tested daily over the course of sending 2+ billion emails) is the “PWAT” email template that my friends Tanner Henkel & Jerrod Harlan created.

This template is so effective that the biggest players in direct response use it on their lists like VShred, Natural Health Sherpa, Credit Secrets, Breakthrough Guitar, Miami MD and more…

You’ll also see big name copywriters like me, Stefan Georgi and Kim Krause Schwalm all singing it’s praises. 

I’ve personally seen their PWAT template crush it for selling your own products…

I’ve seen it convert for selling affiliate offers…

I’ve even seen it work on ice cold lists that have no idea who you are (like Newsmax)…

So this template is legit.

And it works in a variety of niches including health, crypto, credit repair, financial, guitar, skincare, biz opp and more…

And the best part is, it’s easy to use.

The template is only 120 words.

So if you follow the template, you can whip up a killer email in less than 15 minutes.

So I’m a big fan of the PWAT method.

And if you’re interested in checking it out, now would be a great time to do that.

Cause they’re running a special sale this week on the PWAT email training for Thanksgiving.

Instead of paying $997 like it usually costs…

You can test it out for just $97 upfront (and then pay the rest at a later date).

This way you don’t have to pay for everything all at once.

You can spread it out over a few months.

Which I think is a great deal…

So if that piques your interest…

And you want to be able to write killer sales emails in less than 15 minutes…

Then I suggest checking out their email training. 

I don’t recommend many things to my list…

But when I do, it’s something I truly believe in.

And the “PWAT method” is something I truly believe will help you to quickly write high-converting email copy.

You can check out the special Thanksgiving week sale they’re having at the link below…

-> Get the “PWAT method” for just $97 upfront (and pay the rest later)

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.