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Back in 2014, I was at a dinner at the Titans of Direct Response event when I wound-up seated next to a legendary direct mail copywriter.

You’d know this guy’s name if I said it…

He mostly wrote health copy for places like Boardroom, Phillips and the like…

And he had winning controls under his belt for years and years which made him a lot of dough…

At the dinner we got to talkin…

I shared with him some of the stuff we were doing with our greens supplement on email and Facebook.

How we were bringing in a few hundred new buyers each day…

And how our offer was scaling…

He was impressed.

So I mentioned that we were looking to bring on a few copywriters to help us test some new emails, ads and sales pages.

“We’d be glad to pay you your full rate to write some stuff for us” I said.

At this point I could tell the guy was a little uncomfortable.

He was rocking back and forth in his chair.

And it looked like he wasn’t sure what to say…

But eventually he leaned over towards me and responded…

“I couldn’t even tell you how email or a Facebook ad works.  I’ve never written either.  I stick with what I know best, direct mail.”

I was a little taken back by this…

Mostly because this guy was a legend in the copywriting world.

I figured he kept up with the times and was writing stuff online now…

But that wasn’t the case.

He was stuck in 1993.  

And refused to evolve. 

Which made it really hard for him to prosper as a copywriter in 2014.

Cause guess what everyone wanted him to write?


Facebook ads…


These are all things he didn’t have the faintest idea about.

So because he refused to evolve with the times…

His income plummeted.

And he was struggling to get by…

Which is a sad story for him…

But also a cautionary tale for you…

Cause I have a feeling were going to see a lot more stories like this with the emergence of AI.


Cause there’s a whole cadre of copywriters who refuse to use AI…

They think it’s stupid…

And that writing the old fashioned way is the only way to go.

To me, this is short-term thinking.

Cause right now AI is at step 1 out of 1000.

And at step 1, AI is already better than the bottom 30% of copywriters.

So just imagine where it will be in a year…

Or three years…

Or five years…

It’s not hard to see that using AI will become as normal for a copywriter as having a laptop. 

Everyone will be using it.

So if you don’t want to get left behind (like a lot of copywriters did when the internet came about)…

You’ll need to know how to use AI…

And know how to come up with the right prompts to feed it to spit out world class copy…

Obviously you could play with ChatGPT and try to figure everything out on your own…


You could take the shortcut like I did…

And just learn how to use AI from the guy I consider the #1 copywriter in the world right now…

Stefan Georgi.

In the last eight months, Stefan has written 52 sales letters using AI (that’s more than 6 sales letters a month)…

He’s also written over 550 emails and ads with AI…

So he’s crushing it…

And I think you’d be smart to learn how to use AI with your copy from him.

That way you can piggyback off all his AI knowledge…

And not have to spend months trying to learn it on your own.

Now, if that interests you…

Then I have something for ya.

Here’s the deal…

Recently, Stefan put together 3 exclusive trainings on how anyone can use AI to write A-list level copy.

Those trainings include…

– The AI Copy Chief (this shows you how to transform average copy into A-list copy with some of Stefan’s secret AI prompts)

– 30X Copywriter (this one is all about using AI to write short form copy such as emails, FB ads, Youtube ads, advertorials etc)

– The 6 Hour AI Salesletter (exactly as it sounds, this one shows you how to write a winning sales letter from start to finish in just 6-hours)

When Stefan originally held these trainings, each one was sold seperately, and if you bought all three it would have cost you $2,991.  

Which would have been worth every penny in my book (cause they’re that good).


After I went through the trainings myself…

I thought they were so good that I told Stefan to whip-up a special 4th of July deal for my list so that you could get all three of the trainings for a much lower price than the $2991 that others paid. 

Stefan was a little hesitant at first…

But after a little prodding I finally convinced him to put together a special deal for you.

So during this special July 4th sale…

You can get a bundle of all three of Stefan’s AI copy trainings (The AI Copy Chief, 30x Copywriter and The 6 Hour AI Salesletter) that were originally sold for $2991…

For just $997.

That’s over 60% off the regular price.

Which is a hell of a deal…

But here’s the best part…

You DON’T have to pony up the $997 today.

Cause Stefan put together a sweet payment plan where you can pay just $97 today (and then you pay an additional three payments of $297 in the coming months).

This way it’s easier on your cash flow.

And you can hop right into the trainings today for just $97 upfront.

That’s a hell of a deal if you ask me.

And one that you’re probably not going to see again.

So if you’re interested in using AI to quickly write A-list level copy on your sales pages, ads and emails…

And you want to have Stefan show you the EXACT prompts to use to make that happen… 

Then this is for you.

You can get all the details on the special 4th of July sale, and grab your copy of the Ultimate AI Copywriting bundle right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.