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One of the best ways to get clients as a copywriter is to go to places where other copywriters are NOT going.

Case in point…

Let’s say you’re scrolling through a job board looking for a gig.

So you open up the job board, and you look at the first gig…

It sounds pretty solid.

They’re paying well…

And the company is well known.

So you apply…

After you apply, a few days go by and you don’t hear anything from them…

Those few days eventually turn into a few weeks…

And it’s still “crickets”…

No “thanks for your interest”…

No anything.

Does this sound familiar to you?

If you’re a freelancer, it probably does.

This is the eternal frustration of job boards.

You apply, apply, apply…

But you hear nothing back.

Well what if there was a way you could use job boards and actually land some good gigs.

That’d be pretty sweet, right?

Well there is a way to do it.

But it means you have to “zig” when everyone else is “zagging”.

Here’s what I mean by that…

When it comes to job boards, the the most recent gigs posted are going to get 95% of the attention.

Everyone will apply to those…

And that’s true whether you’re in the Cult of Copy, Copy Chief, Nothing Held Back etc…

The most recent gigs will get all the attention.


Instead of doing what everyone else is doing…

What if you simply went through the old gigs on the job board and hit them up to see if they need any copy help?

After all at one point they were looking for a copywriter…

So it’s logical to assume, they might need another copywriter…

And here’s the thing…

The business owner that posted the gig six months ago doesn’t have 300 copywriters in his inbox  sending him samples and begging him for a job.

So there’s a lot less competition…

And you have a better chance of standing out.

I mentioned this morning that I’m a big fan of using “creative” ways to get clients.

Well this is one of those ways.

You’re obviously free to steal this idea and try it for yourself.

But if you want the specifics on how to do it…

And the exact question to send to business owners on older job board posts to get them to respond…

Then you should check out the 72 minute client attraction video that Jerrod Harlan has inside his 7 Figure Email course…

Many of Jerrod’s ideas in this video are “outside the box” kind of thinking.

But it’s his “outside the box” kind of thinking that helped him land BIG copywriting clients like Natural Health Sherpa, Tommy Chong CBD, Breakthrough Guitar, Credit Secrets and Clickfunnels.

So I highly recommend checking the video out.

It’s just one of the many modules in Jerrod’s excellent email course.

Not only are you getting his unique client getting strategies…

But you also get his entire training on how to write killer 120-word emails that routinely beat A-list copywriters…

Normally the entire course is $997.

But until Sunday night, you can get it on a payment plan that’s just $97 upfront (and then three future payments of $297).

This way you don’t have to pay for everything at once.

And it’s easier on your monthly cash flow.

Plus, you get to dive into the course and get started TODAY for just $97.

So that’s the deal.

As I said, I’m a big fan of this course…

And I think it will be a huge help for you in terms of getting higher-paying clients and leveling up your email copy.

So I suggest you check it out while Jerrod has this special deal going on right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.