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Yesterday I was walking some dogs at the Austin Animal Center and had a realization that most copywriters would do a lot better if they treated their clients like dogs.

Here’s what I mean by that…

When I first started walking dogs at the shelter, they didn’t give me any instructions on what to do with the dogs.

So I simply took ’em outside…

Let them go to the bathroom…

And then I would let them pull me around the complex and we went wherever they desired. 

They were controlling the show.

And I was just along for the ride.

After a few days of this, it dawned on me that when I had my own dogs, I never let them walk like this.

George and Dempsey always had to walk by my side.

They weren’t allowed to pull on the leash…

Or wander off into the grass…

I was the one dictating how the walk would go.

I had no idea if this would work with the dogs at the shelter considering most of ’em had never had any training. 

But I decided to give it a try…

The first dog I was strict with on walks was a rambunctious pitbull puppy named Cinderella.

She was a ball of energy…

As soon as she got out of her kennel she’d pull me around like those strongmen pull fire trucks.

So in order to fix this, each time she pulled I’d give a little tug on her leash to let her know that I didn’t want her pulling.

She’d usually look back at me surprised…

Or do a little “huff” in defiance…

But anytime she tried to pull, I’d correct her.

And then on the other end, I also praised her and rewarded her anytime she walked correctly (next to me with a loose leash). 

So when she did that, I’d pet her and sometimes slip her a liver treat. 

So I was constantly reinforcing the good behavior…

And setting boundaries on the bad behavior…

Now, like any puppy she didn’t like these new boundaries at first.

She wanted to be her crazy self.

But after about 10 minutes of me being strict on the boundaries…

She got used to it…

And she started to walk right by my side with a loose leash (aka no pulling). 

Which is exactly what I wanted…

This made the walk a lot easier for me…

And I’m betting she enjoyed the walk more since it provided structure for her.

Cause here’s the reality…

She doesn’t want to be in charge.

She wants to follow…

But the only way she can follow is if I provide the boundaries and structure for her to do that.

Well guess what?

Your clients are the exact same way.

They want a copywriter who provides structure.

A copywriter who shows up and says “here’s how this is going to go”…

And then shows them how they’ll have the first draft done in four weeks…

How all communication will be done by Slack…

How they won’t be answering late night texts or frantic emails under any circumstances…

What dates the payments need to be paid, and the information for where to send the money…

This is the kind of copywriter clients want to work with.

Cause that’s a copywriter that provides structure.

And the structure allows the client to relax and go along for the ride (instead of managing the whole thing themselves).

So just like a dog loves structure and boundaries…

So do clients…

And yes, just like dogs you’ll have to constantly correct clients when they try to overstep those boundaries…

But if you’re able to provide structure…

The end result will be a happier client…

And a much more peaceful life for you.

So my advice?

Treat your clients like you’d treat a dog.

You set the rules…

Provide the structure…

And enforce the boundaries…

And then let them come along for the ride. 

If you do this (and you don’t waver)…

You’ll make a lot more moolah, and your life as a copywriter will be a lot more peaceful than it currently is.

So keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin

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