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A question rolled in a few minutes ago from a high-level copywriter wondering if Copyhour would be helpful for him…

—–Hey Justin, At the risk of asking a stupid question, I’ll ask this question… Is CopyHour for someone who’s copy has sold $100M+ (my best estimate because there’s no way to really know) in multiple niches for some of the biggest names in direct response marketing (Dan Kennedy and Agora to name two)?

In fact, when I got started in the mid-2000s, I did handwrite successful ads and sales letters as Gary Halbert recommended (he was still alive back then). It’s a serious question though because I believe it’s always a good idea to go back to the basics.—— 

I’ve had a couple established copywriters ask me this question.

So I’m gonna answer it…

And I’m gonna answer it with a story…

Back in 2019, when we held the first Copy Accelerator event in Austin, the keynote speaker was Nick Daniel from the $200 million dollar a year fitness brand, Vshred.

Nick gave everyone the inside scoop on how they wrote copy…

How they ran their email list…

How they scaled offers…

And after he detailed all that…

Nick said something that stood out to me more than anything else in his presentation.

He paused for a moment…

Looked out at the crowd…

And said with conviction….

“We don’t do anything fancy, we just do the basics, but we do the basics better than pretty much everyone else”

That was a lightbulb moment for me.


Cause as much as we all want the latest “sexy” thing…

Here was a guy running a $200 million dollar a year business saying we don’t worry about the sexy stuff.

We just focus on the basics.

And we make sure we do the basics better than everyone else.

That’s a lesson that can apply to a lot of things in life.

But it’s especially relevant to copy.

Cause if you simply master the basics of writing good copy…

I guarantee you’ll never have to worry about money again. 

Cause if you can master the basics, you’ll be able to write big winner after big winner…

You’ll be able to dial-in a funnel…

And you’ll be a huge profit center for a business (whether that’s your client’s business or your own business).

And that all comes from understanding the basics of copy…

And being really damn good at ’em.

Which is something Copyhour can certainly help you do.

I know a few A-list copywriters like Ning Li and Randall Pruitt went through Copyhour for multiple years just to sharpen their skills each year.

So yeh, I think it would be very helpful for you.

Even if you’re already an established writer.

Maybe that resonates with you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

I’d suggest getting signed up for Copyhour soon.

Cause today is the absolute LAST day to sign up for the January cohort of Copyhour.

You need to join before 11:59 PM PT tonight.

So the clock is ticking.

And if you try to sign-up tomorrow…

Or later this week…

They ain’t gonna let you in.

Cause the program officially kicks off tomorrow.

So if you want to be a part of the January group…

And you want to sharpen your copy skills (even if they’re already good)…

Then I suggest you get signed up for Copyhour while you still can.

You can read all about the program, and see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.