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One thing I learned the hard way is that it’s a fool’s errand to try and help clients that don’t want to be helped.

Case in point…

There’s a Great Dane rescue here in Texas that I donate a good chunk of money to every year.

Well, a few weeks back they posted on their Facebook page that they’re in desperate need of money due to a large number of dogs that need rescued.

So what did I do?

I decided to reach out and offer to write them a fundraising letter for free.

I’ve done this for multiple dog rescues in the past, and usually help them raise anywhere from $10k-$40k (depending on the size of their donor list).

So I know I could do the same thing for them.

Which they were super excited about…


Since then there’s been no interest from them.

I’ve followed up with twice (by email and phone) and it’s been “crickets”.

No response.

Which is super frustrating.

Cause for me, I’m just doing this cause I love Great Danes. 

And I really want to help them raise money so they can help all the stray & abused dogs coming their way.

But they don’t seem to want the help.

Now, when I was younger, if this happened I would have kept pushing and tried to convince them that I could help them.

But I’ve learned after doing that numerous times that it’s a fool’s errand.

You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

And if you continue to try…

You’re just gonna waist your energy and focus on someone that’s never gonna “get there”.

Let that be a warning for every copywriter who’s chasing clients that don’t want to be helped.

You might be able to truly help them…

And you might be able to make them a lot of dough…

But if they don’t want the help…

Don’t waste your time on ’em.

Best to move on, and find someone who will appreciate what you can do for them.

That’s a lesson that took me a long time to learn…

But it’s one that will save you a bunch of headaches in the long run if you adhere to it. 

Make sense?

I hope so…

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin


Note: If you want to potentially 2-5x your copywriting income, and land better-paying clients, then you might be interested in this…

I have a mentoring program called Copy Accelerator, where you get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already numerous copywriters to double, triple, and even 10x their income like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Samantha Novak, Mario Castelli, Scott Conorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Areeba Ahmed, Krista Edsall and more.

So if you want to quickly hit your goals, and potentially 2-5x where you’re at now…

Then I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…

-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan—————

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