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The following is an email I got from a loyal reader who is fed up with the instability that comes with being a copywriter…


I’m starting to really despise being a freelance copywriter.


The instability of income.

This is by far my biggest “complaint.”

You can get fired at any time, for any reason, out of nowhere.

You are SO dependent on the client.

There’s no real freedom.

You’re a slave to the client who you can fire you for any reason they want.

Sure, I’ve had clients that lasted months and sometimes several years, but most eventually fired me.

Sometimes it’s not based on something I “did wrong” and it was more a restructure, but the result is the same – ME GETTING FIRED, AND LOSING THE INCOME.

I’m in my late 20’s now, and I was thinking to myself:

“Do I really want to deal with this bullshit ‘roller coaster’ income as I head into my 30’s, 40’s and 50’s?”

I’m single now, but if I end up having a wife and kid, is it really a good career path to be a freelancer?

Someone who’s constantly jumping from client to client – working with one client for 1 year, getting fired from that client, then panic and find another client, only to repeat the same cycle over and over again?

Do I really want to repeat this unstable, vicious cycle as I get older?

Do I really have to have such an unstable income to the point where if I have a kid I can’t even take them on a god damn vacation because a copy client just fired me and I need to scramble and find work once again?

So I would love to know your thoughts on this.

Because I’m hurting, frustrated, and frankly – I’m terrified for my financial future as of now.


My thoughts?

First off, you’re not alone…

When I was making my hay as a freelancer, I remember this feeling all too well…

One month I’d have a good client…

And I’d finally have a sense of security…

And then out of nowhere they’d drop me…

And I’d be selling clothes on eBay just to pay my bills.

So I understand what you’re dealing with.

It can be a vicious cycle…

And frankly…

I was not cut out for client work.

I hated taking orders from people…

And I was terrible at enforcing boundaries with clients (so they walked all over me)…

Freelancing just wasn’t for me.

So after a few years of it…

I decided to get away from it…

And do my own thing.

That way I didn’t have to take orders from someone.

But more importantly…

I wanted more control over my income.

I didn’t want my income to rely on clients who could let me go at the drop of a hat.

So what did I do?

Well, instead of focusing on freelancing 100% of the time…

I put about 20% of my focus each week into building my own email list in the fitness space.

And I did that by studying what others in the space (like Mike Geary) were doing…

I got on their email lists…

I read their emails…

And based on what I learned…

I started to build my own list.

It wasn’t an overnight thing by any means…

But after a few months of trying different approaches…

I eventually figured it out.

And the first year I had my fitness list I was able to put around 38,000 people on it.

Which was pretty shocking.

I had no idea I could do that.

And further more…

That list ended up making me a little more than $210k in profit that year.

Which was far more money than I had ever made as a freelancer.

So I was all about having my own list.

And since then…

I’ve always had an email list.

I had that fitness one til 2013 or so…

And then from 2014-2017 I had a big anti-aging list that I built…

And then from 2018 until now I’ve had my current list that’s all about copywriting…

So I’m a big fan of having an email list.

And if you’re sick of the ups-and-downs of the freelancing game…

My suggestion is simple.

Build a list.

Take 10-20% of your time and start putting it towards building your own list.

That doesn’t have to be a copywriting list…

You can create a list in any niche you want…

Fitness, crypto, survival, golf, keto…

Just pick something you enjoy…

And start building a list.

That’s what I would do.

And if you want a step-by-step plan that shows you how to do that without using paid ads…

And without having your own offer…

Then I suggest you check this out.

Cause on that page…

I’m going to show you how to start from scratch and build yourself a highly profitable emails list.

I’ll show you how to set-up your opt-in page…

And even how to get your first 100 subscribers using free traffic sources…

So if that floats your boat…

And you’re interested in having your own list…

I suggest you give it a look right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.