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On May 27th & 28th I’m gonna host a private mastermind at my house in Austin, TX.

During the first day of the mastermind I’m gonna help you sharpen your copy, improve your offers, build your list, monetize your emails and even dial in your mindset.

And if you have any questions for me on your offers, your copy, your clients… I’ll be happy to answer them that day

And then on day two, we’re gonna have even more fun with a killer pool party at my house. 

I’ll have some delicious food on the grill, the sun will be shining, and you’ll be able to hang by the pool and meet the other mastermind attendees.

In my experience this kind of laid-back environment is perfect for meeting potential clients, affiliates, media buyers and business partners.

At the pool, people aren’t uptight like they are at a conference.

So they let their guard down and they’re more themselves.

Which I’ve found to be a great environment for making REAL connections.

And then on top of that…I’m also gonna invite a bunch of the big name marketers that live in Austin to join us at the pool party as well.

So you’ll be able to meet them, mingle, get pictures etc…

So that’s what the mastermind is all about…

It’s gonna be a blast.

And instead of selling tickets to it like I normally would…

This one has NO ticket to buy.


Because it’s a free bonus exclusively for people who pick up Brent Charleton’s new Corrections Course through my affiliate link.

If you’ve missed my previous emails, Brent is the “mindset coach” I’ve worked with since 2018. 

And he’s helped me so much, that I’d love to see you use his method to remove the mental and emotional blocks that are preventing you from…

– making the kind of money you want to make

– charging the fees and prices you deserve

– getting past the writer’s block that’s making your writing take longer than it should

– feeling like you don’t have the skills to start your own business (or to scale your current business)

– plus, much, much more

I’m not exaggerating when I say that Brent’s work has had more of an impact on me than Tony Robbins, Landmark, meditation, ayahuasca, mushroom journeys, traditional therapy and cold plunges combined.

That’s the truth.

And it’s why I’m so passionate about introducing his work to other people.

So in order to nudge you into checking out his course…

I’m offering you a big, sexy bonus with the 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind at my house in Austin.  

So if you want to be a part of the mastermind…

The only way to get in is to pick up Brent’s new course through my affiliate link.

You can get all the details on the course, and see what it’s all about on Brent’s website right here.

Whether you pick this up through my affiliate link or someone else’s, I truly just want you to get it.

Cause it’s that life changing. 

Here’s the link again for Brent’s course…

-> Get Brent’s new “Corrections Method” course

See ya in Austin…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.