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John Lennon famously said “anytime I need money, I write a song”.

He looked at song writing as his personal ATM.

So if he wanted a new house, he wrote a song.

If he wanted a new Porsche, he wrote a song.

Interestingly the same thing applies when you have an email list.

If you have an email list (that’s responsive)…

You can make money on demand.

It’s kind of like your own personal ATM machine. 

Here’s an example of what I mean…

This past week I’ve been promoting a few things to my list for my buddy Troy Ericson.

I sent 6 emails in total promoting Troy’s stuff (one each day Monday through Saturday). 

And overall, I’m probably going to make just over $20,000 for sending those emails. 

Which ain’t too shabby.

I didn’t have to create a product…

Or put the content together for a course.

I simply sat down and wrote a 30 minute email each day.

And I’m gonna make $20k from it.

That’s a pretty nice life.

Now, I’m not saying this to brag…

But more to show you just how powerful email is.

For all the talk of Youtube, TikTok and Facebook being the big dogs…

Email still crushes all of them when it comes to producing money. 

So if you want to tap into the endless flow of money that is email marketing…

Whether that’s with your own list…

Or if you write emails for clients…

I highly suggest you grab a free copy of the report Troy Ericson just put out called “101 ways to make money with email marketing” 

He could easily charge for this report.

And it would be well worth $100 or more…

But Troy’s giving it away for free.

Half of the report is email marketing tactics specifically for business owners…

And the other half is email marketing tactics specifically for copywriters…

So it has something for everyone.

And I highly suggest you grab a copy of it…

Like I said, it’s totally free.

All you gotta do is opt-in.

Here’s the link to get your copy.

-> 101 ways to make money with email marketing


– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.