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One of my favorite yearly traditions is watching the “hustle bros” criticize everyone for “wasting their time watching the Super Bowl”.

I always get a kick out of this.

Cause it’s pretty much the ultimate form of trying to prove you’re better than everyone else.

While you’re sitting on the couch watching the game tonight, I’m building my empire“.


Get the hell out of here.

The idea that you’re somehow wasting your time by watching the Super Bowl is ridiculous.

It’s perfectly normal to watch TV…

Or to do something that’s not productive.

This idea that you need to be hustling every minute of every day (even on the weekends) is frankly insane. 

It might work for a few months…

Or even a year…

But eventually you’ll hit the wall.

And you’ll burn out.

This is what happens when you hustle 24/7 (I’ve been there and done that, so I speak from experience)

But hustle culture will have you believe that THIS is the only way.

Well I want to offer you a different path…

One that gives you a little more freedom…

And a little more fun in your life.

It doesn’t involve 16 hour workdays…

Or working while the Super Bowl is on cause you think you “can’t stop grinding”. 

A better way is to focus on balance.

Yes your business is important…

But it’s not the ONLY thing in your life.

You’re still making time for things you want to do.

Could be date night with your spouse…

Could be rolling on the floor with your kids…

Or could be being lazy on the couch watching the Super Bowl.

Whatever it is…

Doesn’t really matter.

I’ll just say that it’s completely possible to do all of this…

And to make GREAT money…

Without working yourself to death.

The hustle bros won’t agree with me on this…

But contrary to what they say, there IS a better way.

– Justin


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