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In nearly every sale, there’s usually one major objection you have to overcome to make the sale.

For example…

I’ve thought about buying a Glock for the last five years for home protection.

Every few months something will pop up, and I’ll think about buying one again.

But I’ve never actually bought the damn gun.



Specifically, I’m worried about walking into a gun shop and looking like an idiot because I don’t know shit about guns.

I can already picture it in my head.

There’s a grizzled old guy in a flannel shirt behind the desk who’s been shooting guns since he was five years old.

I walk in the store looking like an obvious “city boy” who doesn’t know the first thing about guns.

I hesitantly walk up to the counter and say…

“I’ve been thinking about buying a Glock for protecting my house”.

The guy behind the counter looks at me suspiciously.

Immediately he can tell that I’m new here.

And that I don’t know anything about guns.

So he talks down to me…

“Oh yeh, do you know how to use that gun, son?” he replies.

There it is.

That’s what I was waiting for.

Now I feel like an idiot.

All the insecurities I have about what it means to be a man are flashing before my eyes.

I look back at the guy behind the desk, feeling smaller than ever and I manage to mumble…

“Ughhh, I’ve taken a class before, but not really”

He looks at me and gives me the “well what the hell are you buying a gun for” look.

At this point I’m wishing I never came in.

I want to be anywhere but here.

But that’s when things get even worse…

Cause the guy behind the desk looks over at his buddy and does the thing I’ve been dreading the most.

“Hey Jimmy, this guy wants to buy a gun but doesn’t know anything about guns”

Jimmy, a big ole country boy with a beard and a cut-off shirt, starts howling with laughter.

“Seems everyday we get one these in here” he says.

I stand there embarrassed while all this goes on.

I want to curl up and die.

Now this scenario might seem crazy to you (especially if you frequent gun shops).

But to me this is a REAL fear.

And it’s the only thing that has held me back from buying a gun.

I don’t care about the price of the gun.

Or the warranty…

I’m worried that I’m gonna be embarrassed and made to feel like “less of a man” in a shop full of gun-nuts.

That’s my fear.

And if a gun shop reached out to me and specifically addressed this fear head-on…

I’d buy a gun from them in a heartbeat.

That’s all it would take.

And whether you sell guns, supplements or info-products, this same thing happens in almost every sale. 

Your reader has a big worry on their mind.

One that they can’t stop thinking about.

And if you don’t address their worry head on…

They’ll never buy from you.

That’s a simple idea…

But it’s one that will make you a lot of sales if you start to put it into practice.

So next time you’re putting out a new offer…

Or writing copy…

Keep that in mind.

You always have to address their biggest worry head-on. 

That’s all I got for today…

Take care,

– Justin

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So looking forward to hearing from ya…

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